Atlantic article: Why Writers Are the Worst Procrastinators: The psychological origins of waiting to work by Megan McCardle 2/12/2014
New York Times article: This Was Supposed to Be My Column for New Year's Day by Michael Tierney 1/14/2013
Psychology today articles: Get Unbored by Tania Luna, 4/10/2014 (has a couple of strategies I didn't mention)
What Is Boredom? by Art Markman, Ph.D., 9/25/2012
Wall Street Journal article: To Stop Procrastinating, Look to the Science of Mood Repair by Sue Shellenbarger 1/7/2014
To those who care about such things, I apologize for these references not being in proper reference format. Putting things in reference format holds no elements of interest for me. If you've forgotten what I'm referring to, check out Letitia Sweitzer's book:
If you'd like to try out structured procrastination, the web site with the original essay is here, and the link to buy the book is here.
If you've just happened by and would like me to come talk to your group about procrastination, please email me at cecilia (at) ceciliadominic (dot) com